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ᒣᐢᑲᓇᐤ meskanaw [NI]
there is a summer road, nipinmeskanaw (ni); there is a winter road, piponmeskanaw (ni); a trail or road goes in such a direction, itamiw (vti); there is a road branch or a road branches off, paskemow (vti); there is road straight between a point, kaskaman (vti); the road is crooked, winding, wawakamow (vti); a road leading into the woods or a road going up a hill, kospamiw (vti); a road leading down stream, mahohteskanaw (ni); there are many roads, mihcetôskanawa (ni); the road leads toward the river, nâsipeskanaw (ni); a road that forks off from the main road, i.e.: a secondary road, naskweskanaw (ni) (Northern Cree); a road that forks off from the main road, i.e.: a secondary road, iyitomeskanaw (ni) (Plains Cree); the road behind, otâskanaw (ni); a minor road that branches off the main road, paskemow (vti); a road which branches, forks, or divides, pâskeskanaweyâw (vii); off to the side of the road, patoteskanaw (ni); the road is crooked or something is off kilter, pîmamiw (vti); it runs right through, i.e.: a road, sâpwamiw (vti)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage