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ᑰᓇ kôna [NA]
it snows, mispon (vii); s/he makes it snow, misponihtâw (vai); it kind of snows, it snows lightly, misponayâw (vii); it snows lightly, it kind of snows lightly, misponayasin (vii); it snows finely, pewispon (vii); it snows heavily, misimispon (vii); the snow is deep, timikoniw (vii) (Plains Cree); the snow is deep, timâkonakâw (vii) (Northern Cree); there is snow on the branches, trees, akotakonew (vta); the snow falls from the branches, pawahamoyâw (vta); the snow grinds under foot, sâhkweyaw (vta); the snow carries, waskitateweyâw (vii); crusty snow, waskitatenikwan (vii); crusty snow, watenikwan (vii); freshly fallen snow which is easy for tracking, paskakonakâw (vii) (Northern Cree); freshly fallen snow which is easy for tracking, oskakonakâw (vii); it is freshly fallen snow which makes for good tracking, paskâkonakiyâw (vii); the snow melts or thaws, saskânakonakâw (vii); the snow is soft, yoskâkonakâw (vii); there is room, space in the snow, tâwâkonakâw (vii); the snow has a rough surface, piskwâkonakâw (vii); soil patches show through snow in spring or during warm spells, pânakohtew (vai); soil patches show through snow in spring or during warm spells, iyihtew (vai); the snow glitters at a distance in the sun, wâsâkonastew (vai); the snow has melted for good, kîsiyihtew (vai); it is full of snow, konôwan (vii); there is snow, konowiw ; there is new or fresh snow, oskimispon (vii); it is soft, fluffy snow that is falling, pîsweyâkonakâw (vii); the snow becomes slushy, saskâkonakâw (vii); the fresh snow is clean and shiny, wâsâkonastew (vii)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage